[Salon] Newsmax's Seb Gorka Claims He and Steve Bannon Convinced Trump to Axe Iran Nuclear Dea

(Please pardon me for being more "vocal” here than I’d like, but ever since Trump began running in 2015 with the “cognitive war lie” that he was going to "end the endless wars,” virtually no one saw his purpose for what it really was. Or admitted it, but joined in instead in propagating it. But Trump made no secret that his purpose was US Global Military Domination as Cheney had conceived and called for, but to be done even more viciously by Trump. And with the Mideast now “pacified” by 2015  (think Vietnam), Trump escalated the Perpetual War up to “Peer Competitor Warfare,” with some additional “War Preparedness” necessary first,  as all his “Strategy Documents” called for. Like Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 does today, to the cheers of New Right “Non-interventionist Conservatives,” celebrating it as Trump’s Mein Kampf” for Trump’s Triumphal Return to Power!

 So, little attention is given here to “What Would Trump Do,” in a second administration, except “by omission,” by pretending that as bad as Biden is, Trump will be “better?” And what he did previously, right-wing revisionists have altered to suit his election prospects this year. That is, by his (and DeSantis’) “New Right” supporters/propagandists. But the right-wing ideologists like Gorka and Bannon behind him aren’t speaking to campaign audiences ordinarily and can be more “honest,” in telling the “truth” of Trumpism (and of his one-time ideological New Right sidekick, DeSantis). Right-wing Peaceniks? Not on your f***ing life! 

P.S. Gorka's taking more “credit" than he deserves. Trump didn’t need any convincing. He was “elected” by Peter Thiel, the Mercers, Bannon, Charles Koch, the Adelsons, with help from Netanyahu himself, and the U.S. Congress, for exactly that purpose; to pull out of the JCPOA. It was no secret!

The Republicans orchestrated the whole thing with inviting Netanyahu to address the Reichstag, I mean, Congress, as described here: 

Quote: "Suddenly it reminded me of something.

"I was watching The Speech by Binyamin Netanyahu before the Congress of the United States. Row upon row of men in suits (and the occasional woman), jumping up and down, up and down, applauding wildly, shouting approval.

"It was the shouting that did it. Where had I heard that before?

"And then it came back to me. It was another parliament in the mid-1930s. The Leader was speaking. Rows upon rows of Reichstag members were listening raptly. Every few minutes they jumped up and shouted their approval.

"Of course, the Congress of the United States of America is no Reichstag. Members wear dark suits, not brown shirts. They do not shout “Heil!” but something unintelligible. Yet the sound of the shouting had the same effect. Rather shocking."

'The difference between America and Israel? There isn't one'

Netanyahu knows he can get away with anything in America – with the same confidence that he can support his army when they slaughter hundreds of children in Gaza

Robert Fisk
Sunday 01 March 2015 18:18 GMT

BLUF: "We’re told the Democrats are upset. We are informed that Obama is very, very – really – very angry. But the Democrat presidentess-in-waiting is no problem for Bibi. It was Hillary, remember, who told us last summer that she wasn’t sure it was “possible to parcel out blame” for the Gaza slaughter “because it’s impossible to know what happens in the fog of war”. The media stories may have obscured what was happening. “I do think oftentimes that the anguish you are privy to because of the coverage, and the women and children and all the rest of that [sic], makes it very difficult to sort through to get to the truth.” So the fewer reporters, the closer to the truth about the dead women and children and “all the rest of that”, we’ll all get. No wonder liberal Zionists, according to The New York Times, are worried that Hillary is getting too close to Bibi.

The 2016 election was between a “Liberal American Zionist fascist,” and a “Conservative American Zionist fascist,” with the latter winning in 2016, and the former type in 2020. And now we’re likely back to the latter in 2024. 


Newsmax’s Seb Gorka Claims He and Steve Bannon Convinced Trump to Axe Iran Nuclear Deal: ‘One of My Proudest Career Moments’

Newsmax host and ex-White House adviser Seb Gorka claimed he and Steve Bannon convinced former President Donald Trump to pull out of the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal.

On Friday, the U.S. began bombing Iran-backed targets in Syria and Iraq five days after an Iran proxy group droned a military installation in Jordan that killed three U.S. service members. Republicans had been demanding all week that President Joe Biden retaliate. Earlier this month, the U.S. and the U.K. bombed the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen after the group launched a series of attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea.

During a discussion about the U.S. strikes in Syria and Iraq on Newsmax, Gorka claimed credit for helping sink the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran that was inked during the Obama administration. Signed in 2015, several major powers provided Iran with sanctions relief in exchange for the imposition of restrictions on the country’s nuclear program.

Trump withdrew the U.S. from the agreement in 2018. Subsequently, Iran has resumed its uranium enrichment program.

Gorka said he and Bannon were behind the move. Both were White House strategists at the time:

One of my proudest career moments was when we had key members of the cabinet arrayed, including [Secretary of State] Rex Tillerson. We had the National Security Advisor [H.R.] McMaster in the Oval Office. And then President Trump summoned me and Steve Bannon. He called us his “heavies.”

And he said, “Alright, my heavies. Explain to these men why the Iran deal – Obama’s JCPOA Iran deal – is bad. And we gave them the, you know, classic Washington elevator pitch. Sixty seconds from Steve, 60 seconds from me. “Why? It’s bad for America, bad for the globe, bad for the region, and bad for our closest friend in the region, Israel.”

And then, what did President Trump do? He killed the Iran deal. And as you say, we sanctioned that regime to its knees. If President Trump had had a second term in 2021 that regime would have collapsed.

Watch above via Newsmax.

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